
Thursday, November 09, 2006

The "Other" Blog

Since I took down the "Official" web site for Meanwhile Studios, this here Blog has served as home to all the news relating to my comic and animation work. It will continue to do so until I can get around to building a new site (don't hold your breath), but to be honest things are going pretty slow these days as far as drawing is concerned.

So for those friends, family and voyeurs of all ages who simply must know how I exist beyond these shallow postings I have started keeping an online journal as well.

UPDATE: If you're in P.E.I. this weekend (and I'm sure you will be) I will be at the Three Oaks Craft Fair in Summerside hawking my wares November 10th - 12th. Stop by and get a sneak peek of the Chiaroscuro graphic novel and the new Angora Napkin book in progress!


Rob A. said...

hope all went well at the fair

Troy Little said...

Hey Rob, read all about it on my Journal!

greenspree said...

Any idea when we can buy a copy of the Chiaroscuro novel?