
Monday, November 13, 2006


Jeremy Vincent Adolphson Had the brilliant idea of sending out little 4X6 cards to hundreds of comic artists and asking them do sketches. If memory serves me correct I had done one for him once before (I'll have to hunt that up later and see what I drew...). A little while ago he contacted me again to see if I was keen to contribute another, and here it is.

Like the "Worlds Finest" and other great cross-over team ups, the irrepressible Beatrice from Angora Napkin partakes in a cup-o-joe with the ever chipper Steven Patch of Chiaroscuro fame. Can't you just feel the magic? I'm soon to be inundated with fan mail demanding a new series about this off the wall scenario. But alas, only in 4X6 land will you see such a pair sharing paper space.