
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Week 37...


Blair Kitchen said...

wow. I just spent the last bit checking out your comics on your web site, and blog. They are great! I'll be back to explore some more. Good luck with fatherhood.

Suzanne Marsden said...

Babies!! My friend Lynette just had her baby Aug 1st: a little girl around 7.5 lbs or so. Mom and wee girlie are doing well. BABIES HO!

PS--do not underrate the power of eating beans. Just look at my brother! Hmm...

Kyle Marshall said...

Great toon.
Your a god here in ottawa man. I walk to a super classy club in the market in holed jeans, beard and castro hat. I wait in line for like an hour to get my groove on and finally i wlak up to teh bouncer and say I know Troy littel and I am not only let through teh door but i was taken to teh VIP room with free drinks.

I walk to teh grocery store and instead of handing the teller cash for my foods, i hand her a note saying I know Troy Little. I DON'T have to pay for groceries anymore.

I walk past a man down and out busking for money on Bank, and I say in a low whisper " I know THE Little", and they give me their money!

It goes on and on.

Good luck with the little one's, hope all is well.

Scott Wright said...

These are awesome. Love it!

Congrats and good luck with the kids.

Troy Little said...

Dear Kyle,

Don't abuse the power you've been granted. Only when in dire need.

So far, everthing you mentioned is acceptable.

Helder said...

Hi Troy. Wow your stuff looks awesome. I havn't visited in a while.. but this week I had a little bit of spare time so I've been doing the blog thing a bit.. and this might be a little late but...CONGRATULATIONS!!! TWINS!! your a lucky man. I wish you and your fam all the best.

dcmackinlay said...

That's odd. For years, I've been telling people I know Little, but it's never gotten me anywhere.

Troy Little said...

That's 'cause you forgot the "Troy".

Try it again, money back if not completly satisfied.